Our self-assessment service for individuals helps to ensure that your tax return is completed in a timely and efficient way, whilst at the same time ensuring the right amount of tax is paid.
If you are self-employed, you'll need to let HMRC know about your annual earnings, so that you pay the appropriate amount of tax.
Self Assessment applies to:
Self-employed people including business partners
Company Directors
Individuals with more complicated tax affairs including those who pay higher rate tax
Pensioners with more complex tax affairs
People who receive rent or other income from land and property in the UK
Trustees and personal representatives
Trustees of approved self-administered pension schemes
Non-resident company landlords
Easing the burden
You may choose to complete your own self-assessment tax return. However, you may find using our services has a number of benefits. These include:
Ensuring all tax allowances and deductions are claimed
Easing the burden of additional paperwork
Specialist tax knowledge which can help you minimise or even mitigate fully any tax liability, now or in the future.
Our Tax Return Checklist is a very useful resource when it comes to collecting and collating your information ready to complete your tax return, invaluable whether you are completing your own return or if you are preparing documentation to send to us to complete your Return on your behalf.

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