Employees can ask for flexible working from day one
The new legislation will mean that workers will not have to wait for 26 weeks to seek flexible arrangements, as set out under the current law.
The government also wants to introduce laws that make it easier for people on low incomes to get a second job.
However, the Trades Union Congress said the government must go "much further".
The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) said that if an employer cannot accommodate a request to work flexibly, it would have to discuss "alternative options" before rejecting it.
️It said that flexible working did not just mean working from home but also included job-sharing, flexitime or staggered hours.
The government also said it planned to remove "exclusivity clause restrictions" for workers on contracts who are paid £123 or less a week. It will allow people to work for multiple employers and take on second jobs.
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